Lee Valley
Veritas Scraping Set
From Lee Valley
No tools in the shop are more useful and versatile than well-prepared cabinet scrapers. And, quite honestly, nobody has spent more time testing alloys, hardnesses, thicknesses, sharpening methods, burnishing angles, etc., than we have.
Our scraping set includes four different thicknesses of 6" × 2" super-hard scrapers (Rc48-52) that are ground square with sharp edges ready to use for fine work, or ready to be burnished for more serious wood removal. (Standard scrapers are also included with the scraper holder and variable burnisher.)
A jointer/edger is added to make resharpening easy after scrapers have been dulled. You clamp the 8" mill file in the jointer and run it over the scraper edge to get a new square, straight edge. You can also use the jointer/edger for squaring ski edges and jointing saws.
For rolling exactly the sort of hook you want on your scrapers, our molded variable burnisher is included. The integral carbide rod is adjustable to any angle from 0° to 15°.
Our scraper holder completes the set. This strong, lightweight holder is molded to fit your hands and hold a scraper bowed exactly as you want it. Serious scraping can be done with one hand.
Offered at a special bundle price compared to purchasing the items individually. Components also available separately.
Made in Canada.