Quercus Magazine, Issue 11

Lee Valley
Quercus Magazine, Issue 11
From Lee Valley
A quarterly publication celebrating the art and craft of woodworking by hand, Quercus features the voices of craftspeople and makers from around the world. Named for the genus to which oak belongs, the magazine highlights workmanship and design, woodworking techniques, tools and traditions spanning the centuries.
In this issue, Nick Gibbs pays tribute to John Brown, woodworker, writer, and father of the stick chair revival. Additionally, Chris Schwarz, Kenneth Kortemeier and Chris Williams share their memories of Brown and his influence on their lives and work.
Gibbs also concludes his two-part interview with Paul Sellers, who describes the benefits of router planes.
Charles Mak explains how to make two square-checking tools by hand.
Bill Ratcliffe explores the history and uses of the black mulberry species, and the importance of expanding your timber choices, and Robin Gates gives advice on inexpensive ways to smooth out the sole on a troublesome plane. Matt Day explains his approach to surface texturing and making carved objects more tactile.
Mitch Peacock shows how to make your own customized scrub plane, and Richard Wile explains the benefits of oil and diamond stones.
In other articles, Henrie van Rooij details his experience in building his new workshop, Nick Gibbs reviews The Stick Chair Book by Chris Schwarz, David Godber discusses living off-grid and woodworking without the benefits of electricity, and more.
Printed on thin recycled paper with color photos. Sold as a single issue, not a subscription.
Softcover, 63 pages, 2022.