Lee Valley
Incra Miter-Slot Slider Bars
From Lee Valley
Size: Incra Miter Slider, 17 3/4", each
The same bars Incra uses in its miter gauges are now available separately for use as miter-slot runners in jig construction.
The 17 3/4" and 25 3/8" bars are sized to fit nominal 3/4" slots. Positioned on top of the bars for easy access, expansion discs provide low-friction travel and remove lateral play so jigs stay square to the cutter.
Tapped holes spaced along the bar allow trouble-free mounting of jigs (with the included 1/4-20 or 10-24 machine screws) and the attachment of knobs or handles that have threaded studs. For greater stability and safety in T-track miter slots, there are T-slot nuts at either end (removable for use in a plain slot).
Made of chrome-plated steel, these bars are less susceptible to humidity or temperature changes than wooden runners.
Made in USA.