Lee Valley
GRR-Ripper System
From Lee Valley
Primarily used as a combination blade guard and push block for making rip cuts on a table saw, this versatile jig system also helps improve safety and accuracy on a bandsaw, jointer or router table.
On a table saw, it carries both the main stock and the offcut past the blade, reducing the risk of kickback, burning or a wandering cut. Two fixed side legs (1/4" and 1/2" wide) and an adjustable 1 1/8" wide center leg straddle the blade in various configurations. An alternative leg for making cuts as thin as 1/8" is available separately. The legs have high-friction pads for good stock control. Two levelling guides and a stabilizing plate keep the body from tipping on narrow work. The system accepts shop-built fences and spacers for custom applications. Using two grippers is recommended on long stock.
Several optional accessories are available separately.