Fractional/Decimal Inch Combination Caliper

Lee Valley
Fractional/Decimal Inch Combination Caliper
From Lee Valley
If you've ever reached for a fractional equivalence chart to translate measurements taken from a decimal inch caliper, you'll appreciate the value of this dual-scale Imperial caliper.
It has a combination fractional/decimal inch display graduated in 64ths of an inch (with major divisions marked every 1/8") on the inner portion of the face and 0.01" on the outer portion.
As well as the obvious use for direct measurement, it is also ideal for measurement conversion. The graduations on the 1 3/8" diameter dial are clearly marked and easy to read.
Good for inside, outside and depth measurements, the caliper can also be locked with the integral thumbscrew for measurement transfer.
Made from hardened stainless steel, it has a satin finish and comes packaged in a protective storage case.
Full instructions included.