Scrolling 101

Lee Valley
Scrolling 101
De Lee Valley
Offert en anglais seulement
A complete introduction to scroll sawing, this is the perfect starting point for anyone interested in learning how to create beautiful scroll saw projects. A quick and easy-to-read guide, the booklet provides a clear and concise overview on scroll saw basics, choosing the right blade, adapting patterns, making the most of an inexpensive saw, sanding tips and more.
Also included are helpful charts and illustrations, high-quality photography, and even a skill-building exercise to practice cutting waves, swirls, straight lines and corners. Featuring expert insight and advice from today’s leading scroll saw artists and contributors to Scroll Saw Woodworking & Crafts magazine, it equips readers with everything they need to know before they begin their first project.
Softcover, 20 pages, 2020.