Lee Valley
Best Tips on Finishing, Sharpening, Gluing, Storage and More
De Lee Valley
Offert en anglais seulement
A valuable reference for any woodworker, this compilation from Fine Woodworking magazine brings together over 350 innovative, shop-tested tips and techniques. The book is divided into sections covering power tools, workbenches, sharpening, milling lumber, joinery, surface preparation, clamping, furniture construction and more.
Tips range from simple tricks to improve safety, speed or accuracy in the workshop to detailed plans and instructions you can use to build jigs, tools, storage cabinets and other helpful woodworking accessories. Hundreds of color photos and illustrations make the advice easy to follow. This is a book that pays for itself by saving you time, money and frustration.
Softcover, 8" x 10", 234 pages, 2011.